A community of DDR training practitioners and researchers
The Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Training Group (IDDRTG) is composed of international organizations and training
institutes with a common goal of developing and sharing training materials relating to the DDR-field. The IDDRTG develops trainings for DDR
practitioners both from international and regional organizations, military, police and NGOs, as well as scholars and government officials.
The aim is to provide an integrated approach to DDR with focus on planning, management and implementation of the process.
Read more about the background and set-up of the group below.

Background and aim
The Integrated DDR Training Group was founded in 2006 by 10 founding members. The group has since then been guided by a shared cooperation statement, outlining the members common intention to cooperate to build and strengthen capacities for DDR training through open, collaborative and collegial information and knowledge sharing, networking and communication.

Annual meetings
The Integrated DDR Training Group organizes general meetings annually, where members, strategic partners and interested parties are invited.

Co-chairs of the IDDRTG
The IDDRTG is co-chaired by two members on a rotational basis. Chairs are nominated on a consensual basis at the end of every annual meeting and the chairing organizations will provide the de facto secretariat of the group.