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Co-chairs of the IDDRTG

Contact to Co-Chairs of the IDDRTG CCCPA bicc

The IDDRTG is co-chaired by two members on a rotational basis. Rotation of chairs is staggered to ensure continuity within the group, with one of two co-chairs rotating every year. The co-chairs of the IDDRTG are nominated on a consensual basis at the end of every annual meeting, and agree to a term of 2 years unless specified otherwise.

The Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (bicc) and the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) are currently the co-chairs of the IDDRTG. Having assumed this position already in 2022, CCCPA has the role of the senior co-chair of the two and thereby also the lead responsibility of the IDDRTG. bicc assumed its renewed Co-Chair role (bicc held the Co-Chair last from 2018-2020) following the IDDRTG annual meeting 2024. A new co-chair will be elected to replace CCCPA this year in June 2025.

The points of contact for the IDDRTG co-chairmanship can be found below, and any IDDRTG related questions, requests or invitations should be directed to them.

IDDRTG Annual General Meeting 2016 in Accra, Ghana

Contact to Co-Chairs of the IDDRTG


Mohra Maged
Natalie Osman


Milena Berks
Claudia Breitung