Course on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration within the EU Integrated Approach
The FBA and ESDC are organizing a course on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration as part of the EU Integrated Approach in Stockholm from 10 to 13 October 2023.
October 10 at 08:00 – October 13 at 17:00
Contemporary conflicts are increasingly characterised by the presence of fragmented armed groups with fluid command structures, transnational characteristics, and links to organised criminal and terrorist organisations. As a result, processes of disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of former combatants (DDR) are often bereft of their traditionally required frameworks. Local communities, as well as individuals and groups exiting armed conflict, may additionally require assistance not only once a peace agreement is in place, but at all stages of a conflict.
These circumstances and developments have called into question the traditional view of DDR as a linear post-conflict process, and have prompted the EU, in 2021, to update its DDR policy and strategic approach to DDR, making it more suited to the changed nature of peacebuilding environments. This updated policy emphasises the many ways the EU can support DDR processes as part of the EU Integrated Approach to External Conflicts and Crises. It also highlights the importance of strengthening capacity in the EU system and EU countries to support DDR processes through training and professional development.
In light of the above, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Peace, Security and Development, the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), has the honour of organising, under the aegis of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), a course on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration as part of the EU Integrated Approach in Stockholm from 10 to 13 October 2023.
The four-day residential course aims to increase participants’ knowledge and improve their skills and competencies in relation to DDR as part of the EU Integrated Approach. It will also deepen participants’ understanding of the role of DDR processes and related interventions during post-conflict transitions, and of peacebuilding and stabilisation initiatives before, during and after armed conflict.
The course offers the participants an opportunity to evaluate and apply the EU approach to DDR to their own roles and mandates. It will provide details on the EU’s strategic role and comparative advantages in DDR, and outline tools for its DDR engagements. It will also give examples of good practice through the collective sharing of experiences, while providing an opportunity to increase the EU network of DDR experts.
During the four days, participants will study the concept of DDR to get a deeper understanding of its role in international peacebuilding. The course will go in detail into the EU approach to DDR, EU’s role in the international DDR community, and how support for DDR processes can be strengthened as part of the EU Integrated Approach. The course will also cover a number of DDR-related tools and thematic areas. After completing the course, participants are expected to be able to:
- Outline the strategic objectives of DDR and key components and activities of DDR processes, as well as when and for whom DDR support should be implemented;
- Explain reasons behind the conceptual evolution of DDR, and compare different policy documents of multilateral organisations;
- Identify the role and comparative advantage of the EU in supporting DDR;
- Describe the new EU approach to DDR and relate it to the EU Integrated Approach to External Conflicts and Crises;
- Relate DDR processes to other peacebuilding or stabilization activities conducted by the EU and other actors;
- Explain how the integration of a gender perspective in DDR relate to rights-based and sustainable DDR processes that meet the needs and opportunities of, and expectations on, men, women, boys, and girls;
- Outline key legal considerations for the planning and implementation of DDR;
- Analyse political dimensions of DDR;
- Examine and critically analyse planned DDR activities based on conducted monitoring and evaluation efforts.
The course will take place in Stockholm from 10 to 13 October 2023. Before the residential part of the course, participants are expected to have completed a mandatory, self-paced, e-learning module. Completion of the module and full attendance for the residential part of the course is mandatory to obtain the certificate at the end of it. Participants will receive a follow-up message 3-6 months after the course for an opportunity to reflect on learning and the relevance of the course.
The course adopts an interactive, learner-centred, pedagogical approach combining presentations, discussions, group work and scenario-based exercises. Individual and group-based reflections are incorporated to support knowledge-sharing and promote the learning experience. The course also gives participants the space to share their own experience and reflect on their own learning.
This course puts a specific emphasis on the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in all phases of DDR programming and stresses the importance of the equal participation of men, women, boys and girls in order to ensure the implementation of rights-based and sustainable DDR processes. All sessions and exercises are therefore gender-responsive and provide space for dialogue on different preconditions, opportunities and needs of men, women, boys and girls throughout a DDR process, and how the EU as an international body can support the integration of a gender perspective.
Participants should be professionals involved in programming, programme management and/or in political/policy dialogue in the broader contexts of DDR, security sector reform, long-term post-conflict development, or other relevant aspects of peacebuilding.
The course is aimed at civil servants, diplomats, police, military staff and representatives from academic institutions and civil society organisations. Priority is given to representatives from EU countries, the European External Action Service and European Commission staff, personnel in – or about to be deployed to – Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations, and EU Delegations.
Specific weight will be put on achieving a gender-balanced participation. Fluency in English is required because the course will be entirely in English.
Applications are to be submitted by designated nominators through the ESDC secure internet system, ENLIST, no later than 25 August 2023. A list of ENLIST nominators is available on the ESDC website. Registration will not be final until confirmed by the ESDC Secretariat and on submission of the requested personal data through ENLIST by those whose participation has been confirmed. Once they have confirmed they will attend the course, participants will be given access to the e-learning module. With a high number of applications expected, applicants are encouraged to describe their professional experience and their motivation for applying in detail.
There is no course fee. However, participants are expected to cover the cost of their own accommodation in Stockholm for the course. The FBA will provide lunch and other refreshments during the course, but participants must cover all other meals, visa expenses and travel costs themselves.
Read more in the course invitation: https://cdn.legaonline.se/5460/214949/2f55ebe0daa04914d43f980bcc8bc623/invitationletter-ddr.pdf?dl=1