Course on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration in the framework of Security Transition and Peacebuilding
The course is jointly organised by Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) and the Barcelona International Peace Center (BIPC), and will take place in Barcelona, Spain.
November 27 at 08:00 – December 5 at 17:00
Background and scope
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) is a process through which individual members of armed forces and groups are supported to lay down their weapons and transition to civilian life. The long-term aim is for men, women and youth formerly associated with armed groups to integrate socially, economically, and politically into the society, as well as to support local communities. In this way, DDR processes are intended to provide a vital bridge from wartime dynamics to peace, security, and recovery and are considered a critical component of greater peacebuilding or stabilization efforts.
Across contexts, individuals exit armed groups at all stages of the conflict cycle – be that through the mechanisms of a comprehensive peace agreement or whilst hostilities remain ongoing. In addition, contemporary conflict trends and patterns are frequently characterized by a multitude of conflict parties, external military interventions, cross-border dynamics, and the presence of groups that are designated as terrorist organizations. In Ukraine, veterans’ reintegration into civilian life already during the ongoing war is deemed vital for the country’s stability and reconstruction going forward. These developments have led to a paradigm shift in the traditional approach to DDR.
Responding to these developments, the United Nations Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on DDR launched an updated and revised version of its integrated approach to DDR (UN Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS) in 2019. Likewise, the European Union (EU) and its member states recently adopted a novel policy for the support to DDR processes, while the African Union (AU) has developed and validated a set of DDR Operational Guidance Notes (OGNs). These policy documents provide important guidance for practitioners to make informed decisions on integrated DDR processes in both mission and non-mission contexts, in all stages of armed conflict and both inside and outside agreed political settlements. At the same time, innovative practices are constantly developed in local and national contexts to address and manage new challenges and opportunities that arise on the ground. New evidence and research findings are also fast emerging. There is therefore a need for increased information sharing, peer-to-peer learning, and joint reflections among DDR practitioners to facilitate the operationalisation of these new DDR processes around the globe.
In light of this, the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), the Swedish government agency for peace, security, and development, and the Barcelona International Peace Center (BIPC) invites participants to partake in this training to be held in Barcelona from 27 November to 5 December 2024.
Purpose and aims
This training aims at deepening the participants’ understanding and knowledge of the role of DDR processes in relation to wider peacebuilding and stabilization efforts before, during and after armed conflict. After completing the training, participants are expected to be able to:
- Describe the conceptual development of DDR against the background of contemporary conflict patterns and trends;
- Describe the key components, objectives, and guiding principles of DDR processes;
- Explain the differences between various DDR initiatives and approaches and when and how they can be used in various conflict settings;
- Explain the role of DDR processes in peace processes and in the context of wider stabilization and peacebuilding efforts;
- Apply a regionalized and localized cross-border perspective on DDR processes;
- Plan and assess conflict-sensitive and gender and age-responsive DDR processes.
Training content
The thematic focus of the training is on the concepts, methods and approaches relevant to DDR processes, with special attention to their application in contemporary conflict contexts, in inclusive peace processes, and in wider peacebuilding and stabilisation efforts. It addresses the preconditions necessary for the establishment and sustainability of DDR programmes, the applicability and design of other DDR-related initiatives practiced in the field, transitional security arrangements, and community-based approaches to violence reduction and reintegration.
Case studies and empirical examples from DDR processes around the globe are used to illustrate the arguments and discussions. Specific attention is paid to gender and age-responsive DDR, the political reintegration of armed groups and individuals, the linkages between DDR and approaches to address armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, and regional and cross-border dimensions.
Target group
The primary target group for this training is professionals involved in the planning or implementation of DDR processes, peace processes, or wider peace building or stabilization efforts, and/or those for whom knowledge of DDR processes are of strategic value and relevance. We strive to have a gender-balanced participation and a mixture of participants from various geographical contexts, institutional backgrounds, and professional experiences. We encourage young professionals to apply to the training.The participants typically include representatives of national or local authorities, armed forces representatives, DDR commissions, civil society groups, and representatives of regional or international organisations. Priority will be given to applicants from FBA partner organisations and priority countries and regions. English language proficiency is a requirement for participation.
Pedagogical approach
The training adopts an interactive, learning-centred pedagogical approach combining trainer-led presentations, plenary discussions, group work and scenario-based exercises. Individual and group-based reflections and discussions are incorporated throughout to support knowledge sharing. The training offers an opportunity for extensive networking and peer-to-peer learning. The participants are expected to actively participate in the training sessions, engage in discussions and presentations, share insights and experiences, and participate in all activities. Language of instruction is English. The training complies with the guiding principles for DDR trainings agreed by the Integrated DDR Training Group (IDDRTG).
Dates, Venue and Logistics
The training is organised by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) with the support of the Barcelona International Peace Center (BIPC) and will take place in Barcelona, Spain from 27 November to 5 December. All participants are expected to arrive at the latest on 26 November and depart at the earliest on 5 December in the late evening. The training venue is a beautiful and tranquil 19th century house that has hosted convents for many years, conveniently located about 10 minutes by public transport from Barcelona city centre.
The training fee is 2500 Euro. This includes daily lunches and refreshments, as well as accommodation with breakfast in a nearby hotel. FBA will cover the training fee and associated travel costs for applicants from partner organisations and priority countries and regions who would not otherwise be able to attend the training.
Please apply via the link below (FBA course information) no later than 1 September 2024. Applicants are requested to submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV), which should include information about your professional background and experience, and current work responsibilities and relevance of the training You will also be asked to include a brief motivation statement to explain the professional added value of attending this training. Please use this space carefully as it will be important for our selection process. If your application is conditioned on FBA funding your participation, this should be mentioned explicitly in your motivation statement.
For further information and contact details to the course organizers, kindly consult the official invitation.