Enzo Nussio

Enzo Nussio is a Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich working on the causes and consequences of violence.

He holds a doctorate in International Affairs and Governance from the University of St.Gallen and a Master of Arts in History from the University of Basel. Prior to his work at the CSS, he spent several years in Colombia, where he worked as a post-​doc for the Universidad de los Andes and as a lecturer for the Universidad Nacional in Bogotá. He conducted further post-​doctoral research at the Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University. He is affiliated with various research organizations, including the Folke Bernadotte Academy and Swisspeace.

His academic research is concentrated in three broad research areas, with the overall goal of preventing violence. First, he has extensively studied peace and violence in Colombia, including the reintegration of ex-​combatants, reconciliation, transitional justice, statebuilding, post-​war violence and urban crime. Second, he has analyzed the consequences of terrorist attacks on public opinion and emotion, mainly focusing on Western Europe. Third, he has worked on lynching violence across Latin America, as part of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

To read more about Enzo Nussio, kindly visit: https://css.ethz.ch/ueber-uns/personen/nussio-enzo.html

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