Mara Revkin is an Associate Professor of Law at Duke Law School.
Her research and teaching focus on armed conflict, DDR and peace-building, transitional justice, migration, and security sector reform using empirical mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) with a regional focus on the Middle East. Her work is informed by field research and professional experience with humanitarian and human rights organizations in Iraq, Syria, and Egypt.
She holds a J.D. from Yale Law School and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Yale University.
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Geographic focus:
Subject expertise:
- Armed conflict (causes, dynamics, prevention)
- Armed groups
- Children and DDR
- Community violence reduction
- DDR-related tools
- Demobilization and reinsertion
- Legal and normative frameworks for DDR
- Linkages
- Police roles and responsibilities
- Prevention of (re-)recruitment/recidivism
- Reintegration
- Rule of law, transitional justice and DDR
- Security sector reform and DDR
- Terrorism, violent extremism and DDR
- The United Nations and DDR
- Women, gender and DDR
- Youth and DDR