Research for a more peaceful world
As an independent, non-profit organisation that combines research and practice, BICC addresses a broad range of global issues in the field of peace and conflict research.
BICC’s vision is a more peaceful world. To achieve this, BICC is in active exchange with scholars and politicians as well as stakeholders in everyday practice and civil society. As a think tank, BICC seeks to engage in a dialogue with NGOs, governments, private organisations, research institutes and universities and interested individuals. The Institute’s work is based on a “knowledge circle” that aims to bridge the gap between research and practice.
BICC specialises in several areas of expertise, such as disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR), security sector reform (SSR) and the control of small arms and light weapons (SALW). In cooperation with local partners, BICC conducts training activities in these thematic areas and provides short- to long-term technical advice. These different activities aim to improve the capacities of partner organisations and are an important part of the knowledge cycle.
Currently, BICC provides DDR training in the form of a training-of-trainer (ToT) course. In relation to DDR policy, BICC contributed to the original development of the United Nations IDDRS in 2006 by providing its knowledge and experience. Since 2018, BICC has been supporting the revision of the IDDRS, providing new insights and policy-relevant research on DDR and aiming to contribute to the operationalisation of the IDDRS.
BICC is a founding member of the IDDRTG. In 2019 and 2020, BICC co-chaired the IDDRTG with the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA).

Photo: Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies