Training, Education and Research on Peace Support Operations
International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) is a Centre of Excellence in the Eastern Africa region, mandated to conduct training, education, and research informing military, police, and civilian personnel in all aspects of Peace Support Operations (PSO). Specifically, the Centre works within the framework of African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) of the African Union (AU) to enhance the capacity of Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) in responding to complex emergencies.
The Centre consists of a Headquarters, two training platforms (the Peace and Conflict Studies School – PCSS, and the Humanitarian Peace Support School – HPSS) a research department (Peace and Security Research Department – PSRD) and a postgraduate school. As a general principle, PCSS is responsible for conducting training for “Decision Makers” while HPSS provides “Enabler” training. PSRD supports the training platforms directly through field research, curriculum design, and training evaluation. The new postgraduate school will offer a series of peace support operations (PSO) related master’s degrees with the first being MA in Crisis Response and Disaster Management.
Across both training platforms, IPSTC programmes cover a wide spectrum of peace operations including conflict prevention, conflict management, post conflict recovery, mine action and disarmament, disaster management, pre-deployment, and counter-improvised explosive devices.
Acknowledging that DDR is an integral part of PSO, the Centre has been conducting DDR training and research in the region for about 10 years. The DDR training is based on a 10-day curriculum that is reviewed constantly in response to contextual and operational dynamics as informed by field research and training needs assessments. Further, the DDR training is guided by the UN Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS), African Union Operational Guidance Notes (AU OGNs) on DDR, and other relevant references.
Most often, our DDR training audiences are blended in nature. They constitute military, police, corrections, and civilian personnel deployed or earmarked for deployment in United Nations (UN) and/or AU peace operations. They also encompass personnel from regional and sub-regional organizations, national DDR commissions, civil society, community groups, and other suitable agencies. In addition, the Centre offers the training to homogenous groups based on identified needs.
IPSTC joined IDDRTG as an official member during the 2021 Annual Meeting in Accra, Ghana. Prior to this however, the Centre had a long history of engagement and partnership with IDDRTG members in varying capacities.

Photo: International Peace Support Training Centre