IDDRTG Research Working Group Launches Webinar Series on Crystallizing the DDR Research-Policy-Training-Implementation Nexus
June 26, 2023

On 26 June 2023, the IDDRTG’s Research Working Group (RWG) organized the webinar titled: “Connecting the Dots between Research, Policy & Training” which shed light on ways to improve the systematic use of research in DDR policy and training, including how to ensure that research is policy-relevant, action-oriented and translatable for informed policy-making. The webinar also examined the role of developing relevant and tailored capacity building activities for practitioners and decision-makers grounded in evidence-based research.
The launch of the webinar series comes against the backdrop of the growing realization amongst IDDRTG members of the imperative of research integration in policy, practice and training relating to DDR. This webinar marked the first in a series titled “Crystallizing the Research-Policy-Training-Implementation Nexus”, which has been designed to create a space for discussing means of bridging the gap between research, policy, training and practice of DDR. Each webinar of the series will focus on a different thematic area as pertinent to the field of DDR, and discuss the ways in which the nexus can be operationalized.
The webinar also marked the launch of the Library of DDR Researchers and Trainers, to allow direct access and a channel of communication between the different actors along the nexus pertinent to DDR. The Library has been made available on the IDDRTG website for visitors wishing to browse different profiles of researchers and trainers based on criteria such as geographic focus, thematic expertise and language proficiencies.
The event brought together a diverse groups of DDR researchers, policy makers, training institutions and practitioners from a wide array of backgrounds, and featured a panel of key stakeholders including: Evelyn Pauls (Researcher and Project Manager at Berghof Foundation) ; Godfrey Maringira (Associate professor of Anthropology at Sol Plaatje University); Leena Vastapuu (Assistant Professor and Associate Senior Lecturer in the area of Gender, Peace and Security at the Swedish Defence University) ; Samantha Quaye (Assistant Course Director at Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre); Lina Raafat (DDR Program Officer at the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping & Peacebuilding ); Dennis Ozioko (Staff Officer, PCVE Division at the National Counterterrorism Center in the Office of the National Security Advisor in Nigeria); Minoe Duamwan (Senior Programme Officer at Neem Foundation); Carolina Rojas Alvarez (Contractor at the Planning Advisory Office at the Colombian Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization); and Jaremey McMullin (Senior Lecturer, University of Saint Andrews) as moderator.
The IDDRTG RWG was established in 2021 and its current members include: The Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), The Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies (BICC), The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping & Peacebuilding (CCCPA), The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Jaremey McMullin (University of St. Andrews), and Ibrahim Bangura (Transition International).

IDDRTG in Colombia
In conjunction with the Annual General Meeting 2022, the Colombian Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), as the co-chair for the group, invited members, strategic partners and interested parties to a field visits around Cali.
During the field visit, the group received additional information on the Colombian process, met with a number of ex-combatants taking part in the Colombian reintegration and reincorporation processes, and visited different projects implemented in support of these processes.
See and hear more about the Colombian experiences and the group’s impressions from the field trip in the video below (Spanish and English).
Annual General Meeting 2022
In mid-July 2022, IDDRTG members, strategic partners and colleagues met in Bogotá and Cali, Colombia, for the training group’s 18th consecutive Annual General Meeting.
During this meeting, we were pleased to welcome a new member: the Austrian Centre for Peace (ACP). The International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) in Kenya was also chosen to succeed the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in Ghana as co-chair of the group together with the Colombian Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN).
For more information, kindly contact the IDDRTG co-chairs directly.