Norhan Amin is a Program Associate on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) at the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA).
She focuses on the interlinkage between DDR and countering violent extremism, as well as the implementation of screening, prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals formerly associated with terrorist groups in Africa. Through her work at CCCPA, Amin has supported in key training and capacity building activities on DDR in asymmetrical contexts, in addition to country/region-specific research, analysis and capacity building (South Sudan, Nigeria, Sahel & Lake Chad Basin regions).
Prior to joining CCCPA, Norhan was a research assistant to the Dean of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the American University in Cairo (AUC). Under this role, she conducted research on international security, international cooperation, multilateral engagement, as well as Middle East issues. She was also a teaching assistant at AUC for numerous political science courses.
Additionally, Norhan also worked as a researcher in the Egypt Program at the Middle East Institute (MEI) in Washington D.C. Her work consisted of day-to-day analysis of events in Egypt, as well as creating specific policy recommendations for issues such as economic development and reform, entrepreneurship, micro-finance projects, climate change and water scarcity.
Amin holds a BA from the American University in Cairo (AUC) in Political Science and Multimedia Journalism, and is currently concluding her MA in International Relations from AUC with a special focus on the nexus between DDR and peacebuilding, specifically within a framework of post-liberal, hybrid and localized peacebuilding paradigms, with a close examination of Liberia and Colombia as case studies.
Geographic focus:
Subject expertise:
- Armed conflict (causes, dynamics, prevention)
- Armed groups
- Community violence reduction
- Cross-border population movements
- DDR-related tools
- Demobilization and reinsertion
- Disarmament and weapons and ammunition management
- International intervention
- Legal and normative frameworks for DDR
- National and local ownership
- Organized crime and DDR
- Political context of DDR
- Regional and subregional actors in DDR
- Reintegration
- Rule of law, transitional justice and DDR
- Terrorism, violent extremism and DDR
- The United Nations and DDR
- Women, gender and DDR
- Youth and DDR