An introduction to the European Security and Defence College in the field of DDR
Early April 2022, the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) has already itself conducted as well as supported its approximately 200 partners in conducting more than 25 courses and trainings in 2022 alone. Topics and thematic areas covered have ranged from Comprehensive Protection of Civilians to EU Logistics Fundamentals Course and Pre-Deployment Trainings for CSDP Missions and Operations (PDT) and Hostile Environmental Awareness Trainings (HEAT). Being the sole training provider on the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) at the EU level, the college delivers at least nine PDT’s yearly for all seconded and contracted staff being deployed in the EU’s CSDP missions and operations, as well as at least 11 CSDP Orientation Courses and the flagship, the High Level Course on CSDP.
The college, founded in 2005, works mainly as a network, connecting training institutions, agencies, academies etcetera from all 27 EU Member States, promoting and fostering a common and shared understanding of CSDP, while also promoting and fostering a common European Union Security Culture among the Member States. While some of the courses offered are solely aimed at experts from the 27 Member States already working or selected to work within the scope of the CSDP, a great number of courses are also freely open to participants from Third States.

AFP GETTY IMAGES/Frederick Florin

FBA Photo/ In-mission SSR training for EUAM Ukraine 2015
Browsing the respective mandates of the currently operational CSDP Missions and Operations, DDR as such is not necessarily explicitly reflected. Efforts and initiatives connected to or driven by DDR are clearly definable, but not brought to light or separated as their own processes.
Being the EU’s coordinator of SSR trainings and curricula development, the ESDC are proud to announce that a recent (civilian) Training Requirements Analysis on SSR trainings within the union lead to an inclusion of the topic of DDR. Furthermore, representing the ESDC Executive Academic Board in Support of SSR – the EAB.SSR – the ESDC has been appointed to and is currently carrying out, together with FBA and DCAF-ISSAT, a (military) Training Requirements Analysis on SSR and DDR for the EU Military Training Group.
Connected to the launching of the official EU DDR Policy, the ESDC are truly proud to announce that it is currently working closely with FBA on organising the first ESDC Course on DDR, planned to take place as a pilot course during 2022.
Kristian Erik Edqvist
Training Manager – Conflict Prevention and Civilian Aspects of CSDP at ESDC