Eric Mellado Åhlin works as DDR Desk Officer at the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), the Swedish agency for peace, security and development.
Eric has a thematic DDR background and has worked extensively on these processes, both on the policy level within the EU system where he has been the penholder for the EU DDR Policy, and through advising and capacity building initiatives, primarily in Myanmar and Colombia.
Eric is DDR generalist with a special interest in the transition from armed conflict, in particular EU and UN DDR policy frameworks, economic and political reintegration, linkages between DDR and organised crime, and the nexus between DDR and security sector reform.
Geographic focus:
Subject expertise:
- Armed groups and armed conflict
- Climate security, natural resources and DDR
- DDR processes, programming and support
- DDR-related tools
- Demobilization and reinsertion
- International intervention
- Legal and normative frameworks for DDR
- Linkages
- Organized crime and DDR
- Regional and subregional actors in DDR
- Reintegration
- Rule of law, transitional justice and DDR
- Security sector reform and DDR
- The United Nations and DDR