Khaled Ibrahim

Khaled has been leading many multidisciplinary teams in several United Nations Multidimensional and Integrated Peacekeeping Operations in the field of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration DDR, Community Violence Reduction (CVR) as well as the nexus DDR-SSR (Security Sector Reform) in complex conflict and post-war settings.

Khaled has accumulated an expertise in supporting national stakeholders to design and implement complex DDR and CVR programs that had led to significant peace consolidation. As a senior staff of UN Peacekeeping operations, and given his background as a professional diplomat with the government of Egypt, Khaled was a pioneer in negotiating sensitive Security Council mandates on DDR, CVR and SSR and other stabilization measures with national authorities both at the civilian and the military levels to ensure a transparent, inclusive, gender and human rights based processes that would lead to effective DDR processes and programs.

He has been praised for his innovative approaches and some of the programs he conceived have been considered as an added value to international Best Practice. He also played a strategic role in providing political and security advice to UN senior leadership including DPO, UNCT and UN Humanitarian country teams (HCT) on DDR, CVR and SSR issues and their impact on the overall mandated objectives of the UN particularly in Protection of Civilians, Restoration of State Authority and supporting complex and participatory political processes. Khaled has also played a crucial role in advocacy and resource mobilization given his long experiences in coordinating multiple DDR stakeholders both at national and international levels.

Khaled worked in several countries in the African continent, such Sudan, South Sudan, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Central African Republic (CAR). He also served in other conflict-affected settings such as Lybia and Yemen. He is currently the Principal Coordinator of the Stabilization Support Unit in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DRC.

Khaled is fully bilingual (English- French). His mother tongue is Arabic and he is also fluent in Italian.

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