Lieutenant-Colonel Cheickné Konaté is a Permanent Instructor at the Alioune Blondin Beye Peacekeeping School (EMP-ABB) in Bamako, Mali.
Lt Col Konaté has many academic achievements, including studies in the United States and Germany, remarkably at the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DILLS), Lackland and Garmisch. Studied topics include for example regional security and programme on terrorism and security studies.
Lt Col Konaté has had many temoporary duty assignments at a number of military schools in Mali and regional Africa. From 2006 to 2013, he was deployed to Tombouctou as a Company Commander. Beyond this, Lt Col Konaté has also served as a staff officer, instructor and intelligence officer in his career.
From 2017 to 2018, he was Chief Intelligence Analyst in charge of reporting on the DDR process in Mali, and he is currently the point of contact on DDR with the EMP-ABB.
Geographic focus:
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Liberia
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- The Gambia
- Togo
- Western Africa
Subject expertise:
- Actors in DDR
- Armed conflict (causes, dynamics, prevention)
- Armed groups
- Armed groups and armed conflict
- Children and DDR
- Climate security, natural resources and DDR
- Community violence reduction
- Cross-border population movements
- DDR planning
- DDR-related tools
- Demobilization and reinsertion
- Disabilities and DDR
- Disarmament and weapons and ammunition management
- Health and DDR
- International intervention
- Legal and normative frameworks for DDR
- Military roles and responsibilities
- National and local ownership
- Organized crime and DDR
- Political context of DDR
- Prevention of (re-)recruitment/recidivism
- Regional and subregional actors in DDR
- Reintegration
- Rule of law, transitional justice and DDR
- Security sector reform and DDR
- Terrorism, violent extremism and DDR
- The United Nations and DDR
- Women, gender and DDR
- Youth and DDR